
Friday, April 30, 2004

DotNetGuru.org - DotNetGuru (DNG) :: Architecture .NET - DotNet - et articles techniques

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) with .NET and J2EE

.NET Developer's Journal : IL Code Instrumentation with RAIL
Open source project offers easy, object-oriented modification of existing assemblies

Writing Custom Designers for .NET Components

Customizing Code Generation in the .NET Framework Visual Designers


.NET Architecture Center: October 2003 Newsletter

Microsoft Architecture Update newsletter

Visual C# Home: Part 5: From Trees to Graphs

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Jon's Home Page! - John Skeet

Frequently Asked Questions

.NET Matters: Finalizers, Assembly Names, MethodInfo, and More -- MSDN Magazine, May 2004

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch

Newgroup discussion on O/R Provider, cna you match my requirements

.NET Data Access Architecture Guide

A Tribute to Hinduism

A Tribute to Hinduism - Dwaraka

Monday, April 26, 2004

Web Applications: Deferred ASP.NET Session State Management (ASP.NET Technical Articles)

Books on FTP

Saturday, April 24, 2004

COM+ Web Services: The Check-Box Route to XML Web Services

Deploying Application Proxies

Friday, April 23, 2004

15 Seconds : Deploying Serviced Components

15 Seconds : Deploying Serviced Components

The Code Project - Dynamic/Transparent Proxy using DynamicProxy.NET - .NET

.NET Framework How To Articles

Data Access and Storage Home: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 1: Using the AutoSproc Tool (.NET Development (General) Technical Articles)

Developer.com - C# Articles, Tutorials, Discussions, News, and Other Resources

Thursday, April 22, 2004

This is the Web Services Developer Center home page.: Web Services Downloads

Web Services: Distributed Communication in Microsoft .NET (Building Distributed Applications)
ASP.NET Web Services or .NET Remoting: How to Choose

How to show progress in the client browser for a long-running ASP.NET page

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Download details: ASP.NET Resource Kit: " ASP.NET Resource Kit is an essential resource for any web developer whether you're already"

vbCity.com Forums � .NET � VB.NET � Grabbing information from another application

C# sample Isolated Storage in .Net to store application data, vb.net and asp.net example

CodeGuru: Build Secure Web Services With SOAP Headers and Extensions

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

:: CoDe Magazine ::"NET Web Services Security"

pinvoke.net: the interop wiki!
PINVOKE.NET attempts to address the difficulty of calling Win32 or other unmanaged APIs in managed code (languages such as C# and VB .NET). Manually defining and using PInvoke signatures (also known as Declare statements in VB .NET) is an error-prone process that can introduce extremely subtle bugs. The rules are complex, and if you make a mistake, you’ll probably corrupt memory.

Therefore, this site is a repository where you can find, edit, and add PInvoke signatures, user-defined types, and any other information that helps us leverage each other’s efforts. Think of this as the 21st century version of VB6’s "API Text Viewer," a standalone application which used static files such as WIN32API.TXT as input. Did you spend hours figuring out how to successfully define & call a given unmanaged API in managed code? Share (and get credit for) your discovery here! Is there an error on this site? Go ahead and fix it!

Monday, April 19, 2004

Microsoft .NET: Implement a Custom Common Language Runtime Host for Your Managed App -- MSDN Magazine, March 2001

Friday, April 16, 2004

House of COM: Migrating Native Code to the .NET CLR -- MSDN Magazine, May 2001

Visual C# Home: Extending Windows Forms with a Custom Validation Component Library (Wonders of Windows Forms)

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Caught in .NET
Dr. Dobb's Journal September 2002

By Verity Stob

.NET Architecture Center: : Best Practices for Rule-Based Application Development (Microsoft Architect Journal)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

MSDN Index of How-To Articles for C# .NET beta 2

MSDN India - Article :
Data Grid - A Developer’s Boom [Part I]

C# coding standards and Best Programming Practices - C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net

The "Funniest Cat Videos"

MSDN India - Article : Intercepting Downloads in ASP.NET

MSDN India - Article

Longhorn Developer Center: The Blinking Lights Division (Avalon Unleashed)

Monday, April 12, 2004

About Building Distributed Applications : ON GotDotNet

322627 - INFO: Exposing ServicedComponents As a Remoting Endpoint from a COM+ Dllhost.exe Process Is Not Supported

.NET Enterprise Services and COM+ 1.5 Architecture

shaykatc's WebLog - Visual Studio 2003 Tips

VS 2003 Tip #6: Keyboard shortcuts

Default Settings Shortcut Keys

.NET Enterprise Services Performance

Extending Windows Forms with a Custom Validation Component Library

Friday, April 09, 2004

The Genghis Project: .NET Extensions

MSDN .NET Sample Code : Classes and Libraries

The Code Project - Illustrated GOF Design Patterns in C# Part I: Creational - C# Programming

.NET Zip Library #ziplib (SharpZipLib)

Office Developer Center: Consuming ADO.NET DataSets in the MIcrosoft Office System (Microsoft Office 2003 Technical Articles)

The Code Project - The .NET Language Paradigm - .NET

An Event to Remember

Visual C# Home: Part 5: From Trees to Graphs

Thursday, April 08, 2004

.NET 247 : .NET Remoting and COM+ on microsoft.public.dotnet.general

.NET Remoting: Design and Develop Seamless Distributed Applications for the Common Language Runtime

Remoting: Microsoft .NET Remoting: A Technical Overview (.NET Development (General) Technical Articles)

Visual C# Developer Center: Frequently Asked Questions

ASP.NET Home: ASP.NET Home: An Extensive Examination of User Controls (ASP.NET Technical Articles)

Visual C# Home: Wonders of Windows Forms

Visual C# Home: Back to the Future with Smart Clients ( .NET in the Real World)

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

MSDN India - Article::Custom Winform Tree Control in C#

Field Views on Windows Forms 1.0 and 1.1 Data Binding

Services-oriented architecture gains support | CNET News.com

Monday, April 05, 2004

Creating a Simplified Asynchronous Call Pattern for Windows Forms Applications

Friday, April 02, 2004

ACTS Alumni Association

Thursday, April 01, 2004

PDC Central: Code Name Indigo: A Guide to Developing and Running Connected Systems with Indigo

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